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The warning triangle known as the versioning icon means the object has been revised since its "master" object was last "finished" (approved, completed, or activated). For a test question, the master is the objective — or even a training unit, if the question is appearing in relation to a TU. For an objective, the master is the training unit it is sequenced in.

The versioning icon indicates that the new revision belongs to a future revision of the master object, not the current revision of it. Until that master object is re-approved, re-completed, etc., to indicate acceptance of the newer revision of the flagged object, presentations of the master object will continue to show an earlier revision of the flagged object — whatever revision that was active at the time the master object was last set to a finished state. The next time that master object is cycled to a finished state, then it will use the newest revision of the flagged object.

Sometimes version icons will appear when you jump back to an earlier date than when your database was upgraded. These icons won't affect your data, but they cannot be resolved.

When you add exam results or statistics, learners get added by clicking the Statistics button.

If you manually enter exam results and enter a Learner/Student ID that is not already in the system, you'll get a popup to enter the name and optional email address.

If you use the Import Student Scores option with a xxxx.ts file without names and the student is not already in the system, a blank will show for the name and you will need to click on the blank and enter the name.

If you use the Import Student Scores option with a xxxx.ts file with names and the student is not already in the system, a blank will NOT show for the name since the name is provided in the file.

One option to make sure all the names are in the system is to:

  1. Create a temporary test with only one question.
  2. Create a xxxxx.ts file with all your students (Name & ID) and one answer choice.
  3. Import that xxxxx.ts file and save those results by clicking OK.
  4. Close the exam stats window by clicking OK.
  5. Re-open the stats window for the exam and delete the student results and save the results.
  6. Delete the exam.

Yes, however, this must be done in VISION Security by a VISION Admin (someone who has administrative rights for the VISION project).

Under the Options tab in VISION Security, check the "Allow an objective to be linked to multiple analysis items" option.

Vision will give the following message if you attempt to make multiple links from one objective when a project is not setup to allow multiple links.

If you don’t know who locked a project and you need to remove the password, you can use the following SQL code on the database to remove the lock:


Replace {Locked Project ID} with the ID of the project.

Currently VISION only tells how many scoresheets were successfully imported from the external file.

However, after importing, it is possible to inspect the student records, looking for invalid responses.

Inspecting that way can only be done one student at a time. To search the scores of all students at once, you can run the statistics report then do a text search for "invalid" in the generated document.

In version 8.6.5 and above, yes. Simply select a different project on the Test Properties screen:

In earlier versions, you can only "move" an exam by copying it to another project and then deleting the original test.

In VDM, you can select a font size when generating the printed exam.

"Analysis Migration.xlsx" can be used to aid in creating the necessary VISION import files for Analysis nodes, including tasks. You can use “Objective Migration.xlsx” for creating Objective files.

VISION isn't designed for moving data between databases. You can isolate developmental work in several ways:

  • In a separate project
  • In a separate work area (hierarchy) in an active project
  • In a separate branch of an active work area
  • Limiting access to developmental work (if it is isolated in a separate project) to only certain personnel, during the time it is under development

If needed, you can use the Export-Import program to transfer data between projects.

This message appears when the database reflects modified data that is not reflected on VISION Developer.

An example of this would be when two different users have the same branch open in the same project. One user deletes or moves one of the nodes within the branch, in which this is not displayed by the second user. When the second user tries to open or move that same node, the message eventually appears. In this case the database reflects the deleted or moved record for that node whereas what's shown on VDM is not the case.

In order for the VDM to display the proper data, you can collapse and re-expand the parent node in the branch where the data is affected. If that does not work, you can use the menu item Node->Rebuild on the parent to refresh it. Exiting the work area and reopening it or exiting VISION altogether and logging back in to the project will also refresh the data displayed.

Yes, you can edit this directly in the database for the node level name entries.

Yes. Separate the file paths with commas and enclose the whole list in quotes. For example:

import.exe -mode import -dsn "VISION" -user "UNAME" -password "password" -project "OPERATIONS" -logfile c:\messages.txt -files "c:\temp\ops.ob, c:\temp\ops.qq, c:\temp\ops.hir, c:\temp\ops.bk4" -delims standard -create yes -change no -idtype importid -allprojects no –run


For VISION 8.3: Export-Import-CLP.doc (attached)

For VISION 8.6: Data Export-Import.doc (attached and also in the VISION\DOCS folder), pages 73-end.

Any version: The batch-change report scripts:





Oracle and VISION agree on the amount of a column width but not what the amount means. In VISION it stands for characters, in Oracle it stands for bytes. Normally one character equals one byte of data. However, some sets of characters (such as a degree symbol) can be 2 bytes per character. Because of this, the Oracle byte amount will increase to an amount higher than the character amount VISION uses; therefore it will generate the error.

There are two solutions. Either:

  1. Configure the Oracle database to use a single-byte character set, such as WE8ISO8859P1 or WE8MSWIN1252.
  2. Or, change the semantics of what the amount means for a column width. Configure Oracle to interpret column width as a number of characters, not bytes. That is controlled by the Oracle property named NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS.

alter system set nls_length_semantics=char;

Unfortunately, this only affects columns subsequently created, not existing columns. So in order to change the semantics for an existing table, the table has to be deleted and recreated (after issuing the instruction above) and then reloaded with the original data (rows).

Yes to both, though it is not feasible to implement a “lockdown” scheme at the database level, as VISION was not designed to be used in that manner. There are, however, a number of ways to protect VISION data without involving manipulation at the database level. A few examples are:

  • Grant VISION access to only users you can trust.
  • Keep the "locked" data owned by a VISION project that only a few VISION users have write-access in. You can share that data in other projects, but its "owning" project will dictate who can edit it.
  • Set task analysis status to "Completed", and limit the number of users that have permission to change Completed tasks.
  • Preserve electronic (RTF files) or printed copies of any "locked" procedures or other documents.
  • Copy parts of a hierarchy into another, protected project.

This can be done one of two ways, depending on the version you are using:

  • Use of the built-in Cross Reference Query, which can retrieve links to current or all projects.
  • Use of the report on the Cross Refs tab titled 'Table Links'.

The Cross Reference item query can be retrieved using the menu item Cross Reference->Query Item.

On the Cross Refs report ‘Table Links’, later versions of VISION ( and higher) offer two forms of the INCLUDE instructions that fetch things linked to table items. For example:



The first example gets only programs from the current project that are linked to the table item; the second gets all linked programs, regardless of their project. Any versions of VISION 8.3 earlier than what is stated above offer only the first form.

Custom report files can be intermixed in the same folder as standard report files (VISIONxx -> Reports -> REPORTS), they must not however have a file extension of FLC – this is reserved for VISION standard reports.

This can be verified by selecting File -> Preferences from the main menu then click the Folders tab.

  1. Uninstall the VISION Client. In older versions, its name is "VISION SDK"
  2. Delete the VISION application folder. The usual location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\VISION
  3. In the Windows Registry, delete this section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FOCUS Learning Corp.
  1. Open Office reports
  2. Select Security Information and click Run button
  3. Select the file name and location for the output

Select the desired projects then click the Run button.

An output like the example will list who has access to the projects you selected

VISION Learning Station & Web Modules

Step 1: Publish Articulate or Captivate to HTML

  1. Find the last slide your user should see before receiving credit. If using a knowledge check, the last slide is going to be a “success” slide or slide layer on the Quiz Results slide.
  2. Insert a “trigger” on the slide you have identified to be the last.
  3. The action should be “Execute JavaScript”
  4. Enter the following, keeping in mind its case sensitive: window.parent.document.getElementById("ContentFrame").contentWindow.FLCVisionContentCompletionMarker = true; top.frames['vlsContentStageFrame'].frames['vlsContentStageMain'].UpdateHeaderForCustomHTMLState();
  5. Ensure your trigger is configured properly. The "When" should be set to "Timeline Starts" and the "Object" should be set to "this slide".
  6. When considering the following example of configuring a trigger, we would expect the Javascript to be fired once the learner lands on the Quiz Results slide, and only if the learner’s score is equal to or greater than the passing score.
  7. After you have completed the Articulate module and inserted the trigger on the last slide, publish your project for “Web”.
  8. Select the Player properties.
  9. Optional: If learners are using common computers in lab, disable resume on start: First click "other options" then select "Never Resume on Restart".
  10. Click OK, then Publish the project.
  11. Locate the newly published project on your machine.
  12. Open the project folder and rename “story.html” to “index.html”.
  13. Open index.html in a file editor of your choice.
  14. Directly under the TITLE tags, insert the following script into the HEAD section:
    <script type="text/javascript"> window.parent.document.getElementById("ContentFrame").contentWindow.FLCVisionContentStartMarker = true; </script>
  15. Save the file. Be sure to save it in a location where you will be able to access it from within VISION.
  16. Expected Behaviors
    • The top navigation in VLS should be replaced with the message “Complete Content Below”
    • The user should be able to open and close the event, as many times as they want. Provided they do not reach the “end” of the articulate project, the navigation will remain locked.
    • As soon as the user reaches the articulate slide that you identified to be the completion of the module, the navigation will unlock, allowing the user to proceed through the rest of the objectives using the VLS navigation buttons.
    • To complete a lesson in VLS, the user must navigate to the last page in the lesson, using the VLS navigation buttons. Simply viewing all of the WBT content will not complete the lesson.
  17. Note: the Articulate trigger can be placed on any slide in the Articulate module, but be aware whatever slide you decide to put the trigger on is the slide the user will be granted access to VLS navigation, and have the ability to proceed past the Articulate module.

Step 2: Add Articulate or Captivate HTML to VISION Developer

Follow these steps to assign HTML content to an objective in VISION Developer:

  1. Open VISION Developer and navigate to the objective that you want to attach this HTML content to.
  2. Double-click on the objective to open it, and click on the Content page.
  3. You may need to select a Classification from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure of which to select you can click the Advisor button for more information or select the Free Form classification.
  4. Near the bottom of the page, click on the Web Module Actions drop-down menu.
  5. Hover over Add and choose the Custom HTML option.
  6. First you will be asked to save, and then a content box will open for a Title and a Description.
  7. Enter a title for the content so that you will be able to recognize it in the future. Click OK.
  8. A browser will pop up. Browse to the folder in which you saved your HTML file.
  9. Highlight the Index.htm file and click the Open button.
  10. A pop-up will appear to confirm that the content was converted successfully, click OK.
  11. To confirm that you published the correct files, you can click the Web Module Actions drop-down menu and select Preview.

Step 3: Publish the VISION Developer Module Course

This tutorial assumes you are adding Articulate or Captivate content to an objective that has already been sequenced into a training unit. If you have not already done so, please review “Creating a Training Program Structure” in the VISION Developer User Guide.

  1. Enter the Program hierarchy window and navigate to the appropriate training unit.
  2. Double-click on the training unit to open it and then click on the Design page. You can access the objectives sequenced into the training unit from here.
  3. Double-click on an objective to open its properties and then choose the Content page.
  4. In the Web-Based Learning Content Modules box, ensure that the "Deliverable" and "Deliver" checkboxes are clicked for all of the content objects that learners will have access to.
  5. Click on the objective's General page and change the Status to Approved.
  6. Close the objective.
  7. Back on the program's Design page, click the Content button.
  8. Next to each content object that you want to deliver, click the Deliver checkbox.
  9. If you wish to add a Hold or Transition Statement, click the Hold or Transition Statement checkbox and enter the statement or Hold instructions.
  10. If you need to assign an assessment profile to the training unit, click on the Tests page and the Assessment Profiles button to select the profile.
  11. Click on the General page and select Content Approved from the drop-down Status menu.
  12. Click the LS Options button and select Publish to VISION LS. Click OK to close the training unit.
  13. Right-Click on the training unit’s parent Course node and select Branch Approval Operations. Click Approve Branch.
  14. The next step will be to create a course in the VISION Learning Station.

Publishing Checklist

Check to ensure that you have completed all the steps to publish a course from the Developer to the Learning Station:

For each Objective in the training unit:

  • Save Word or PowerPoint content as HTML on the Content page. You can publish a course without saving your Word or PPT content as HTML, but only HTML content will appear in the VISION Learning Station.
  • Click the Deliver and Deliverable checkbox on the Content page for all content you want to publish to the Learning Station. Anything left unchecked will not be delivered in the VLS.
  • Set the objective's Status to Approved on the General page. You cannot approve the training unit if any of its objectives are not approved.

For each Training Unit in the course:

  • On the training unit's Design page, click the Content button and check the Deliver checkbox for all the content you will use in the VLS. Anything left unchecked will not be delivered in the VLS.
  • Optionally, you can enter an introduction on the TU's Introduction page. If you do so, be sure to Convert it to HTML on the Introduction page as well, or your introduction will not be delivered.
  • Depending on the type of Training Unit you are using, you may need to assign an Assessment Profile on the Tests page. If the training unit requires an Assessment Profile, you will not be able to deliver the course in the VLS without one.
  • Set the program's Status to Completed-Active on the General page. The training unit must be approved to be delivered to the VLS.
  • On all pages of the training unit's properties, there is an LS Options button. Click this and select Publish to VISION LS to deliver this training unit to the VISION Learning Station.

For the Course Program node:

  • Set the program's Status to Completed-Active on the General page. The course must be approved to deliver its training units to the VLS.

The default PowerPoint template is provided by VDM as VISION\ContentTemplates\Powerpoint\VisionContentTemplate.potm. The default Word template is provided by VDM as VISION\ContentTemplates\Word\VisionContentTemplate.docx. To use your company’s templates, save your template for PowerPoint in VISION\ContentTemplates\Powerpoint and Word in VISION\ContentTemplates\Word. VDM searches these directories for the PowerPoint template. If VDM finds a template other than the default, it will use that template.

If you are on VDM 9.x, then an incorrect ODBC data source driver is installed on the client accessing VISION. You are using the SQL Server driver that comes with Windows 10 instead of the ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server driver which needs to be installed separately. Chances are you will need to contact IT to configure this driver on your client computer, but the link is provided in case you have the permission and know-how to do it yourself. Contact if we can provide any other assistance.

After clicking , enter the same login name of the deleted user. Tab out of that text box and VISION will present a message box asking what you want to do. Select . Then Save.

This is an Oracle Database error and the problem needs to be addressed by your IT and Oracle DB administrators. This error may be caused by a variety of factors, so we cannot suggest any specific fix.

To address this issue clear your browser’s cache. Follow the instructions for the browser you use:

Internet Explorer 11
  1. 1. Open Internet Explorer 11.
  2. 2. At the top right of the browser, click the gear icon and choose “Safety”, then “Delete browsing history”.
  3. 3. Uncheck all options except the one labeled “Temporary Internet files and website files”.
  4. 4. Select “Delete” at the bottom of the window.
  5. 5. That window closes, and the mouse icon changes to the wait cursor for a few moments. When the cursor returns to normal, or the success message displays at the bottom of the screen, the temporary internet files are deleted.
  1. 1. Open Chrome
  2. 2. At the top right of the browser, click the 3 dots icon and choose “More tools”, then “Clear browsing data”.
  3. 3. On the “Basic” tab choose the “All time” time range, and check “Cached images and files”.
  4. 4. Click “Clear data”.
Microsoft Edge
  1. 1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. 2. At the top right of the browser, click the 3 dots icon and choose “Settings”.
  3. 3. Open the Settings menu (three lines on the top left) if it is collapsed.
  4. 4. Click “Privacy, search, and services”. And scroll down to “Clear browsing data”.
  5. 5. Click “Choose what to clear”.
  6. 6. Select the check box next to “Cached images and files”, and then click Clear now.

This error is usually an indication of troublesome RTF code underlying the text. Fortunately this code is extraneous, and removing it will not alter the text itself. You can do this with the following specialized VISION reports:

  • • Fix Analysis Items
  • • Fix Cross Reference Tables
  • • Fix Exams
  • • Fix Objectives
  • • Fix Programs
  • • Fix Questions

When you run one of these reports, VISION will generate a document where all of the extraneous RTF code has been removed. You can then use the Update Database tool to replace the existing text with this trimmed text.

Download Reports (Optional)

These reports are included in VDM 9.7., but if you don’t have them you can download them from

  1. 1. Log into
  2. 2. Under Install Resources click on Product Downloads.
  3. 3. Scroll down to VISION Reports and click the Files button.
  4. 4. Select your database type and then click the Download button.
  5. 5. Extract the contents of the ZIP file and then open the extracted folder.
  6. 6. Run Reports.exe, which is inside the file you downloaded.
  7. 7. When prompted by the installation wizard, select your version of VISION. For example:
  8. 8. When prompted by the installation wizard, browse to and select your current VISION application folder (wherever vision.exe resides).
  9. 9. Inside VISION, refresh the Reports list (if it was already open).

Run the “Fix…” Reports

  1. 1. On the Main Menu, select Outcomes and VISION Reports.
  2. 2. In the Reports window click the Tools tab and scroll down to the “Fix…” reports.
  3. 3. The report(s) you need to run will depend on which data is causing the “Out of Memory” error. For example, If you are getting this error while generating exams, you would run the “Fix Exams” and the “Fix Questions” reports on the questions and exams that are giving you the error.
  4. 4. Select a report and the data you will run it on.
  5. 5. On the Report Choices popup, check all checkboxes and proceed.
  6. 6. Follow the updating instructions included in the report.

We recommend saving your video files to the VISION\graphics directory of your VISION installation. In most VISION installations, this is an IIS virtual folder that will also make its contents available on the internet. The internet address for files in the VISION\graphics directory is http(s)://webServerName/visiongraphics/movieName.mp4.

See Add Video Content to VISION in the VISION Developer help for complete instructions.

When servers change, you may break the path to document links saved in VISION. To fix them, your IT group can run an update statement which will change the linked document’s original location prefix to the new location prefix. Here is an example of what that might look like:

These errors usually indicate that an online default printer is not available for the computer. The printer may have gone offline or the user may have gotten a new computer that doesn’t have a default printer defined. Configure an online default printer on the computer. This should fix these errors.

The VLS Installation Guide, available on the FOCUS Learning website’s Downloads page, provides information on the system wide configuration values available in the visionlearning.xml file. The screenshot below shows the specific section of the visionlearning.xml file that defines the System Admin email address. Change the email address to the email address for the new System Admin, then restart ColdFusion.

Before you add a new VISION developer, you will need to create a Windows user login for him or her.

Create Windows User

  1. In Control Panel, click Add or remove user accounts.
  2. Click Create new account.
  3. Enter the new user name, and select the level of access (Standard or Administrator).
  4. Click Create Account.

Create a New Vision Developer

  1. Open VISION Security.
  2. Enter Login Name, First and Last name.
  3. Click Save. The prompt displays:
  4. Click OK.

Assign User to SQL Server Database Security

  1. Open SQL Server Manager.
  2. Navigate to the SQL Server Security.
  3. Right mouse click Logins, and click New Login.
  4. Click the Search button.
  5. In the Select User or Group window, enter the user name, and click Check Names. The user displays with the server name attached. If it doesn't, then the Windows user isn't set up right. The Locations should point to the server (default).
  6. Click OK.
  7. Set security as follows: Set Security for New SQL Server User
    1. Navigate to the VISION database.
    2. Right click Users, and click New User.
    3. Set up as follows:
    4. This is where you select the type of VISION developer.

On the Web server in the '(server path)…vls\Exam' folder there will be a file with the name of VLSExam.css. Inside this file, look for the .mcDisplayKey and .mcDistractorText elements. Both of these have a font-size attribute that can be modified. Note that these sizes are in pixels and not point sizes.

FOCUS recommends setting the course passing score to that of the lowest passing score for any TU.

Scoring of lessons and courses in the Learning Station are calculated by two different values; the passing score of any training units and the passing score of the course event. Many organizations set a standard passing score -- often 80% -- that applies to both lessons and course event. When there is no standard single value, consider the following:

For a course with four TU’s each with a 80% passing profile, it makes most sense to set the Course passing score also to 80. The default passing score may be set to a different value by editing the visionlearning.xml file and setting the param-value to the standard score used by your organization.

DefaultPassingScore 80

By default, that value is set to 80, so whenever you create a new course event the passing rate will be 80.

If the course has mixed TU’s with different passing scores, consider the following when thinking about how to set the course passing score:

  1. VLS will only grant the learner a pass on the course if the learner passes all of the TUs, regardless of the learner’s overall score.
  2. The course passing score will effectively override the passing score of the lowest TU’s if it is higher, since it sets an overall lower threshold for a pass.

Here is an example situation. Suppose you have a course with a TU with a passing score of 70 and another TU with a passing score of 90, and an overall course passing score of 80. The learner scores 69 (fail) on the first, and 100 (pass) on the second. The learner’s overall score would be 84.5, which for the course should be a “pass”. However, because the learner did not pass the first TU, the learner will not have passed the course, even though the overall score is above the passing threshold.

Here is another example. If the first TU has a pass rate of 70 and the second a pass rate of 80, and the learner scores 71 on the first and 81 on the second (both passed with an overall score of 76), but the course passing score is 80, the learner will have not passed the course despite having passed both TUs.

If you have a TU in the course with an exceptionally low passing score, such as a TU used for a pre-test that doesn’t count towards the overall scoring, you ca always set that TU to be weighted at 0% in the final calculation by changing it in the Course Event’s Passing Criteria.

For these reasons, we think that it makes the most sense to set the course passing score to that of the lowest passing score.

Follow this procedure to edit the information associated with your VISION Learning Station account. Note that only certain properties will be editable, such as your name, password, telephone number, and email address. For others you'll have to contact your administrator.

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Quick Links.
  3. Click on the My Information link.
  4. Select the Properties tab.
  5. Click the Edit button.
  6. Make the appropriate edits.
  7. Click the Save Changes button.
Expire a Qualification Card

Follow these steps to disqualify a learner from the tasks on a qualification card.

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Qualifications tab.
    • You may need to select a different organization from the Filter drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the Users drop-down menu.
  5. To disqualify a user on the qualification card, use the calendar icon under the Expire Date to set the learner's qual expiration to today.
    • You can also do this from the Users tab on the Qualification Card's properties.
Expire a Qualification Card Task

If you only need to expire one task on a qualification card, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Users tab.
    • You may need to select a different organization from the Filter drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the blue name link of the user.
  5. Click the Qualifications button.
  6. Click the blue Qual Card name link.
  7. Click on the Tasks tab.
  8. Under Date Expires, click the calendar icon for the task you wish to expire.
  9. Enter today's date and then click the Save Changes button.
Disqualify a Learner from a Task

Follow these steps to disqualify a learner from one task.

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Reports on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Qualification tab.
  4. Select the Task Qualifications report and click the View Report button.
  5. Click on the blue number under Qualified Users.
  6. Check the Schedule Requalification box for the appropriate learner(s) and then click the Requalify Selected button.

Follow these steps to export a SOCCED report:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.
  4. Navigate to the course and click on its title link.
  5. Click the SOCCED Export button.
  6. Click the Save File button to and save it to the appropriate location on your computer.
Set up the Spreadsheet
  1. Save your spreadsheet in a place where you will be able to access it from the VISION Learning Station.
  2. You will have the following options. Note that the columns in your spreadsheet must match the order of the columns listed in VISION LS.
    • Username
    • Password
    • First_Name
    • Last_Name
    • Email
    • Expiration Date
    • UserDefined1
    • UserDefined2
    • UserDefined3
  3. Note that First_Name, Last_Name, and Email are required. The rest are optional.
  4. After you have imported this data you will be given an opportunity to select the Organization and Security Access for the users. These will apply to ALL the users for this import, so be sure to import users who will be in different organizations or who have different security roles separately.
  5. You will also have the opportunity to send an automatic email to users about their accounts at this step.
  6. You will be able to select users to be Proctors individually.

Note that VISION LS will not prevent you from adding duplicate user records.

Import User Records

Follow these steps to import user records into the VISION Learning Station:

  1. On the Main Menu, click on VLS Utilities.
  2. Click Import Users.
  3. Select the columns that you have prepared in your Excel file. Note that you must, at the least, have a First_Name, Last_Name, and Email column. The other columns are optional.
  4. Click the XLS/XLSX File radio button and then click the Choose File button to select your file. Click the Open button in the file explorer window.
  5. Click the Import File button. A list of the import information will appear.
  6. Select the Organization, Role (Security Access), and Email options for the batch of learners.
  7. If you wish to make any of the users in this list a test proctor, click the Proctor checkbox next to the user's name.
  8. Click the Import Learners button.

These steps will allow you to edit exam instructions or messages for a course event that is currently being delivered to learners. If you just want to edit exam instructions for a profile that hasn't been approved yet, you can do that in the assessment profile properties.

Step 1 Create a New Assessment Profile and Exam Messages
  1. In the Learning Station create a new assessment profile (or create a new version of an ap-proved profile), but do NOT set “Profile Approved” to "Yes".
  2. Click the Save Changes button.
  3. Scroll down to the Exam Instructions/Messages area on the bottom of the workscreen.
  4. You can click the Edit Instructions button for each one that you want to edit, and then click the Save Changes button when you are finished.
  5. Once all changes look correct, scroll back up to the top of the workscreen and click the As-sessment Profile's Edit button.
  6. Set Profile Approved to "Yes" and click the Save Changes button.
Step 2: Update the Course's Default Assessment Profile in the VDM (Optional)
  1. Open the VISION Developer module and open the Program hierarchy.
  2. Navigate to the Training Unit linked to the course you're editing.
  3. Open the TU's properties and click on the Tests page.
  4. Click on the Assessment Profile button and select the new profile you just made.
  5. On the TU's General page you can click the LS Options button and click, "Publish to VISION LS". You can also click "Preview in VISION LS" to preview the course event.
Step 3: Create a new Version of the Course & Assign the Assessment Profile
  1. In the VISION Learning Station, navigate to the Courses tab.
  2. Click on the course's name to open its properties.
  3. On the Properties tab, click Create Version. This will archive the current version of the course and create a new one.
  4. Click on the Lessons tab.
  5. On the lesson's properties page, click the Edit Lessons button for the individual lesson you want to make changes to.
  6. Select the new Assessment Profile from the drop-down list.
  7. Click the Update Lesson button.
  8. Navigate to the course's properties and click the Edit Properties button.
  9. For Course Approved click "Yes" and then Save Changes.
  10. Now you may create a new course event which will have your updated exam instructions.

Follow these steps to enter individual scores for learners' exams:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.
  4. Click on the Active Events button for the course that has the event you want to assign users to, and then click on the event link.
  5. Click on the Lessons tab and then the Manual Score button. Note that when you enter a manual score it counts as a final score and overrides any remaining exam attempts.
  6. On the Defaults row you can set a default Completion Date, Instructor, and Score. This will be set for all of the learners you select. You can also set these for each individual learner.
  7. Check the box for the learner(s) you wish to score, or check the Select All box.
  8. Enter a completion date. Today's date will be entered for you.
  9. Select the Instructor from the drop-down list.
  10. Enter the score for each learner.
  11. To add comments regarding the score, click the blue Add button.
  12. If you wish to add any documents to support this score, click the Add button. (It is only availa-ble once you've scored the lesson.
  13. Click the Save Changes button (at the bottom of the list) when you are finished.

This type of assessment profile builds an exam from a specific number of questions from each objec-tive in the lesson. These questions will be selected randomly from the pool of available questions (as usual), but each objective will act as its own question pool. For more information about assessment profiles, see Assessment Profiles.
This procedure takes place in the both the VISION Learning Station and Developer modules.

Steps to Create a Questions Per Objective Assessment Profile in the VISION Learning Station

You may need to create a Questions Per Objective assessment profile in the VISION Learning Station before you can assign it to the training unit.

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. In the Administration area, click the Assessment Profiles tab.
  3. Click on the Add Assessment Profile button.
  4. Under "Select Assessment Type," click on the Graded Exam button.
  5. Under "How do you want to limit your Assessment," select By Number of Questions per Ob-jective.
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. If you intend to use it right away, set the profile to Approved. You can also approve it later, but it must be approved before it can be assigned to a TU in VISION Developer.
  8. Enter a Name for the profile that will distinguish it from other Assessment Profiles, like "Quest Per Obj, 90% Pass".
  9. Enter the assessment's other properties. You can find a full description of each property in the VISION Learning Station Help topic, "Add New Assessment Profile".
  10. When you are finished, click the Add Assessment Profile button.
Steps to Set Up a Questions Per Objective Assessment Profile in VISION Devel-oper
  1. First you will set the number of questions that will be added to the test for each objective in the Training Unit.
  2. Open the Program hierarchy and open the training unit to which you want to assign the Ques-tions Per Objective assessment profile.
  3. On the Design page, click the Content button.
  4. Navigate to the VLS Questions column.
  5. Click the blue number next to the first objective. This will bring up the VLS Questions window.
  6. Type or use the up and down arrows to enter the number of questions that will be taken from this objective. You cannot select less than the minimum or more than the maximum.
  7. When you have finished, click the OK button.
  8. Follow the same procedure for the rest of the objectives in this training unit.
  9. Now that you have set the number of questions for each objective, you will assign the as-sessment profile to this training unit.
  10. Click on the Tests page and then the Assessment Profile button.
  11. Select the "Number of Questions Per Objective" assessment profile that you created in the Learning Station and click the OK button.
  12. Remember to ensure that all of your data is approved and to publish the training unit.

The least number of questions you can select for this assessment profile. The minimum may not be zero if this objective has questions that are marked as Always Select from Question Pool.

The greatest number of questions you can select from this objective. These questions are Active, and are not Practice Questions.
If you use Question Exclusivity you may not have as many questions available as are displayed under the "Maximum".

Follow these steps to release course event holds:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. In the Administration area, click the Assessment Profiles tab.
  3. Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.
  4. Click on the Active Events button for the course that has the event you want to edit, and then click on the event link.
  5. On the Lessons tab, click on the orange Manage Holds button.
    • Note that you will only see this button if associated course has holds in place. If it does not, this button will not be visible.
  6. On the Student Holds page, click the checkbox for each learner you want to release the holds for and then click the Release Selected button.

If a learner does not close an exam window correctly, the window can break in a way that it will no longer allow the learner to reopen the test. If that happens, an instructor or administrator can reset the exam window for the learner. This will close the exam, but will not affect the learner's progress or score.

Follow these steps to reset an open exam:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on Administration on the Main Menu.
  3. Click on the Courses tab. This is the default tab when entering the Administration area.
  4. Click on the Active Events button for the course that has the event you want to reset, and then click on the event link.
  5. Click on the Lessons tab and then the Exam Attempts button.
  6. Click the Reset Open Exam button next to the name of the learner who needs their exam re-set.
  7. Click the Save Changes button when you are finished.

Retrieve, read, and respond to feedback left by learners on test questions. You can do this either in the VISION Learning Station or the VISION Developer module.

Find Learner Feedback in the VISION Learning Station
  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. On the Main Menu select Records and then the Learner Feedback tab.
  3. Use the search filter to locate the record(s) you want. Click the Search button after you have entered your search criteria.
    • Note that you must enter a From Date and To Date along with any other criteria you use, or the VLS will only search on today's date.
  4. This provides a list of feedback with summary information.
    Note that the Question ID is the unique VDM System ID and you can use it to "jump" to the question in the VDM.
  5. View feedback for a question by clicking on the row with that question's information.
  6. Here, you can take the following actions:
    • Click on the Question/Feedback tab to review the question and the feedback left for it.
    • Click on the Resolution tab to mark the feedback as "viewed", enter resolution, update the VISION database, and email the resolution to the learner who entered the feedback.
    • Click the Details tab to see the date, learner, exam, question ID, and proctor of the exam when the feedback was left.
    • You can also print any of this information with the Print button located on the top right of the window.
Find Learner Feedback in the VISION Developer Module

If you need to edit a question to resolve feedback, you will have to do so in the VISION Developer module. You can also view a question's feedback and any resolution entered for it in the VDM.

  1. First, locate the question with the System ID you recorded from the VLS. Click on Search on the Main Menu and then select Jump.
  2. Select Question and System ID, then enter the ID and click Jump.
    • If you do not have the question's ID you can search for it in the VDM by clicking Action Tracking on the Main Menu and selecting Open Question Feedback.
  3. Double click on the question to open its properties page.
  4. Click on the Feedback tab to see all feedback and resolution entered for this question.
  5. You can enter or update the resolution here as well as in the VISION Learning Station. When you are done, click the OK button to save your changes.

Follow this procedure to search for employee information in the VISION Learning Station:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. Click on the Administration area in the Main Menu.
  3. Select the Users tab (the last tab).
  4. Click the Filter button.
  5. Select the organization to which the employee belongs from the drop-down menu, if appli-cable.
  6. Choose a Search Filter to find the employee's Username, Last Name, First Name, or Email.
  7. Enter the Search Value (the Username, name or email specified above).
  8. When you have entered your search criteria, click the Apply button at the bottom of the page.
  9. Scroll through the list of users who match your search to find the one you're looking for.
  10. Click on the user's name to open their properties page.
Add User Records Manually

Follow these steps to add a new user record to the VISION Learning Station:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. On the Main Menu, click on Administration, and then the Users tab.
  3. Click the Add User button to bring up a blank user record.
  4. Select the correct organization for the user if it is not already selected.
  5. Enter user properties. Only a first name, last name, and email address are required.
  6. Click the Add User button to save the new record.
Import User Records into VLS from Excel

Set up the Spreadsheet

  1. Save your spreadsheet in a place where you will be able to access it from the VISION Learning Station.
  2. You will have the following options. Note that the columns in your spreadsheet must match the order of the columns listed in VISION LS.
    • Username
    • Password
    • First_Name
    • Last_Name
    • Email
    • Expiration Date
    • UserDefined1
    • UserDefined2
    • UserDefined3
  3. Note that First_Name, Last_Name, and Email are required. The rest are optional.
  4. After you have imported this data you will be given an opportunity to select the Organization and Security Access for the users. These will apply to ALL the users for this import, so be sure to import users who will be in different organizations or who have different security roles separately.
  5. You will also have the opportunity to send an automatic email to users about their accounts at this step.
  6. You will be able to select users to be Proctors individually.
    Note that VISION LS will not prevent you from adding duplicate user records.

Import User Records

Follow these steps to import user records into the VISION Learning Station:

  1. Log into the VISION Learning Station.
  2. On the Main Menu, click on VLS Utilities.
  3. Click Import Users.
  4. Select the columns that you have prepared in your Excel file. Note that you must, at the least, have a First_Name, Last_Name, and Email column. The other columns are optional.
  5. Click the XLS/XLSX File radio button and then click the Choose File button to select your file. Click the Open button in the file explorer window.
  6. Click the Import File button. A list of the import information will appear.
  7. Select the Organization, Role (Security Access), and Email options for the batch of learners.
  8. If you wish to make any of the users in this list a test proctor, click the Proctor checkbox next to the user's name.
  9. Click the Import Learners button.
VISION Learning Station Scheduled Tasks

VISION Learning Station offers clients the ability to use time-based scheduled tasks. These scheduled tasks need to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. VISION Learning Station uses the Cold-Fusion built-in Scheduler to perform these operations.

VISION Learning Station comes with four (4) pre-built tasks that clients may want to employ in their environments. The four tasks are:

  • Certification Expiration Nightly Run: This task looks for certifications that expire in 180, 90, 30, and 7 days and finds certification expiration for the day the job is run. The job sends emails to the specific learner, the learner’s supervisor (if identified), and an ExpirationEmailGroup, as identified in the visionLearning.xml file.
  • DIF Survey Nightly Run: This tasks looks for DIF Survey events that begin on the date the job is run and will send reminder emails to all learners and their supervisor (if identified), that a sur-vey event has started.
  • Schedule Create Exam PDFs: This task will create PDF/A files for all exams completed the prior day. We recommend running this task over night, before any other task that may use Exam PDFs. The PDF files are saved in the {VLS Cache}/Exams folder.
    • Note: In VISION Developer 9 and Learning Station 6, we recommend you use this sched-uled task to create your Exam PDF files instead of creating them at runtime (as was done in earlier versions). PDFs now take the correct version of the question (those seen by learners on their exams).
  • Task Qualification Expiration Nightly Run: This task looks for individual VISION Tasks that ex-pire in 90, 30, and 7 days and day of expiration (expire the day that the job runs). This job also includes seeking VISION Tasks that expired the day before for a person and then setting the all the learner’s qualifications with that VISION Task to "Expired" with an expiration date that is the same as the task expiration. The job sends emails to the specific learner and the learner’s supervisor (if identified).
Setting Up Scheduled Tasks in ColdFusion Administrator
  1. Login to the ColdFusion Administrator and select the Server Settings icon, if not already se-lected.
  2. Select Scheduled Tasks menu option.
  3. Select Schedule New Task button.
  4. You will see two overall types of Scheduled Tasks: Server Level and Application Level. The only tasks which can be created and managed via ColdFusion Administrator are Server Level tasks. VLS does not use the Application Level tasks at this time.
  5. On the Add/Edit Scheduled Task page, enter a Task Name and Start Date.
  6. Under Recurring, select Daily and enter the time you want the task to run.
  7. Enter a URL. All of the default tasks shipped with VLS are in the {VLSHome}\Public\ScheduledTasks folder.
  8. Once all of the information is entered, select the Submit Changes button at the top of the page to complete the process. You will be returned to the main Scheduled Task page.

VISION Learning Station users who make courses and events need to have VISION Developer user accounts. Here are several ways to ensure that your employee's VLS user accounts are matched up to their VDM User Accounts.

Step 1: See who has a VDM User Account

Start by finding out which users already have a VDM user account associated with their VLS user account.

Follow these steps to generate a VLS Users to VDM Users report:

  1. On the Main Menu in VLS, click on Reports.
  2. Select the Personnel tab.
  3. Select an Organization from the drop down menu.
  4. Select the VLS Users to VDM Users and click the View Report button to generate your report.
  5. You can use the Export button to open the file in PDF, Excel, or some other formats.

Remember that this report only shows you users who's accounts are already connected. It is possible that more VLS users have VDM accounts that are not linked to their VLS accounts. If you think that some users have VDM accounts that haven't been linked yet, skip to Step 3: Associate User Accounts before creating new ones. You can always repeat that step again later.

Step 2: Create VDM User Accounts

Note that this procedure must be done in VISION Developer's Security module. Not all users will have the ability to make new user accounts. The Security program is explained in detail in the Security section of the VISION Developer Help.

  1. In VISION Security, on the Users tab, click the New User button.
  2. Fill in the User Info. Login Name, First Name, Last Name are required.
  3. Check the appropriate privileges from the "User Privileges and Restrictions" box.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Next click on the Projects tab. Make sure you also have the Access sub-tab open on the right side of the window.
  6. Ensure that you have the correct Security Profile (built on the Security Profiles tab) ready be-fore you begin the next step.
  7. Under the Projects list, select the project(s) that the user will have access to.
  8. Under the Users tab, select the user name.
  9. Under the "Assign project access (Security Profile) for selected users" which will be highlight-ed in yellow, select the profile. Note that you can do this for multiple users and multiple pro-jects at the same time, or for each user or project individually.
Step 3: Associate User Accounts

Follow these steps to associate existing VDM accounts with their corresponding VLS users:

  1. Navigate to Utilities on the Main Menu of VLS and select the VLS User to VDM User Association Utili-ty.
  2. You can use the filter to see users with a specific security role.
  3. Under, "VLS Users without an associated developer account", select a user and click on their radio button.
  4. Select their VDM account from the "VDM Developer Name" drop-down menu.
  5. When you are done associating user accounts, click the Save Changes button.

VISION Learning Station users who make courses and events need to have VISION Developer user accounts. Here are several ways to ensure that your employee's VLS user accounts are matched up to their VDM User Accounts.

If you are using lessons published with Flash in the VISION Learning Station, such as older versions of Articulate or Lectora, we recommend you use IE 11 as your internet browser.

We have noticed issues with some Articulate generated lessons with the deprecation of Flash in both MS Edge and in Chrome. We have seen this incompatibility starting with Chrome Version 88.0.4324.104 and Edge Version 88.0.705.53, but we do not know precisely when Flash was deprecated in these products. We have not seen this error in Lectora specifically, but we believe these lessons will have a similar problem because they also output Flash.

If a previously working CBT starts displaying an alert that the lesson cannot find the LMS and asks if you want to open the debug screen, you are probably experiencing this error.

Here are some suggestions that should help you import your data correctly:

  • Start with a new Excel workbook when you are creating an import file.
  • Columns of information need to be in the correct format and be sure not to include any extra data in the worksheet.
  • If the Excel file was created by another program, hidden formatting or data may be causing errors. Open a new Excel workbook and cut & paste the required columns into that. You can use Paste > Values to ensure you are only taking data from the workbook.

This means that you are viewing a lesson in an older version of PowerPoint (converted to HTML) on a newer browser that does not support it. You can click the link, “If you would like to proceed anyway, click here”, but you will have to do so for each slide and that may become tedious for you or your students. We recommend updating your PowerPoint to a newer version and either using VISION to convert it to MP4 or using 3rd party software to convert it to HTML and uploading it to VISION as Custom HTML content.

This means that your VISION Learning Station security credentials don’t match up with your VISION Developer security credentials. As of VLS 6.6, Instructors and Administrators need VDM credentials to create VLS courses (because they’re based on VDM courses). This is to ensure that you can only use the VDM projects that you have permission to use. If you see this error, you need to have an administrator link your Learning Station account to your Developer account. We have a guide on how to do this in the VISION Learning Station FAQ, “How to Reconcile VLS & VDM User Accounts” and in the VISION Learning Station Help, “Reconcile VLS & VDM User Accounts” (it’s right at the start of the “Job Aids” section).

When a VDM user that is also a VLS user takes a static exam and either passes or fails the static exam, that user cannot preview the same exam from VDM. The reason is that a static exam has one set of completion records. If these records exist in the db for a real test, the preview mode cannot delete them or reuse them for the purpose of preview. So the rule that a static exam is only taken once applies here.