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VISION Report Generator Training
Use the VISION proprietary report-scripting language to create reports

Successful participants of this workshop will be able to use the VISION proprietary report-scripting language to create simple VISION reports based on a given end-user specification, and troubleshoot errors in existing reports.


There are two types of languages for writing VISION reports and documents. One language is the proprietary report-scripting language that produces VISION reports, searches, and documents (including test related documents such a tests, answer keys, etc.) The other language produces Word and PowerPoint template files and consists of the use of Microsoft’s VBA and VISION-specific instructions for reading data. This course addresses the first of these two languages: the proprietary report scripting language. It does NOT address the second language, which is based on VBA and used to arrange Word and PowerPoint templates.

Participants will learn how to classify and describe the different kinds of VISION reports that are produced or modified with the proprietary report-scripting language. Guided hands-on exercises help participants become fluid in the use of core commands of the scripting language. Participants will also learn to make effective use of the Report Scripting Language Primer. Throughout the course, participants use the language on individual lab computers to produce custom outcomes.

Who will benefit

Please know that with a current maintenance agreement, FOCUS will produce custom reports or modify existing reports up to a limited amount of time at no cost to your site. But if your site wishes to train someone to write reports and documents beyond that, or to have the capability to do so if needed, then participation in this workshop by students with the required background and aptitude will benefit your organization.

Suggested prerequisites

Writing VISION reports in either language is essentially a computer-programming activity. A VISION report is generated by creating a report script, which is a sequence of instructions in the report language. While anyone can learn the scripting language, the activity will naturally be easier for someone with prior experience in computer programming.

Location Length Setting Cost/person
Distance Learning 2 days Virtual TBD
San Luis Obispo, CA 2 days Classroom $1,900
Your site 2 days Classroom TBD